A. Univers Transit Ltd. (AUT) is committed to providing a high level of quality for all range of services, in a manner which conforms to our Principles professional requirements and expectations.

As a part of this objective, AUT has established and maintains a quality system, which is planned and developed in conjunction with recognized organisations and our customers. This quality system is reviewed & surveyed routinely every 6 months by our company`s quality manager and an external auditor to ensure its continued effectiveness and required improvements are made to meet principle expectations.

Our critical success factors are: 

  • Shared Vision
  • The Quality of our People
  • Speed and Accuracy of Information
  • Innovative and Proven Services Range
  • Customer Focus by meeting customer`s needs and expectations
  • Accurate and on time performance
  • Continuous improvement of company Quality Management System with emphasis on improvement of customer satisfaction.

These objectives are cascaded throughout all levels of our organization.

The Quality Management System of our firm is in accordance with the requirements of ISO 9001-2008 as well as FAIM accreditation is our guarantee in this respect

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